Hi, my name is Ibad Khan and I am a developer

I build dynamic and scalable web applications facilitating cloud services

ResumeContact me

Skills & Knowledge

Other skills

Teamwork: Actively listen to team member's ideas and concerns and Expressing attentiveness by asking questions for clarification. Acknowledging other points of view with encouragement, clearly communicating ideas with a professional and friendly tone. Additional things help me to better work with team members such as decision making, organizing, accountability, positive attitude, expanding ideas

Patience: Problem-solving most of the time requires complex effort which often includes a long process. In project kick-off, planning, development, testing, deployment, updates... Most of these tasks and activities take a lot of time. Giving enough time, enough chances to make errors and fix them, so being patient is one of my ally in this mission

Open-mindedness and adaptability: Accept self weaknesses and tackle them by asking questions, open to learning from others, willing to listen and appreciate others. Never afraid to try and experiment, many times I have worked on different ideas which I was not interested in.

Technical skills

  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Java
  • ElectronJS
  • MySql
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • RestAPI

featured projects

Social Media Feed

Created a web application in PHP using Laravel application framework that serves as a custom Social media feed site. In an administrative back-end area, the basic structure (i.e. users, posts, themes) of a website can be dynamically created and modified by only authorized users with the appropriate permissions.


MERN Stack Application

This is a full-stack application where users can register and log in. Created a full back-end API that holds all customer information, Mongo atlas is used for the database.


Deh Lara Band

Created a multi-page band website maintaining the basic design fundamental, it has a home page with description, video gallery page, and contact page. Logo is created mannually using Inkscape, used Invision to create the wireframes.

HTML 5CSSBootstrapInVisionInkscape


Software developer

Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative

May 2021 – Present

Data Analysis of human-trafficking information (Siren Investigate, MySQL, Python)

Training courses: ACAMS Human Trafficking and money laundering, ManchesterCF Financial intelligence

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© Designed By Ibad khan 2021